We are in a time of panic, distress, and distraction, standing shoulder to shoulder with vast unknowns. It is easy to be triggered and to become susceptible to the humming anxiety that is rippling through the world.
Today I am writing this as an offering. A small antidote to societal anxiety. I know that many of us face very real hurdles, especially those who are unable to work from home. My goal is not to diminish the struggling or suggest you ignore your emotional experience. But rather to give some suggestions for distancing in the days to come that allows you to go in and have direct conversations with your strength. Below you will find a series of Art Therapy directives designed specifically to support you through Coronavirus isolation.
1. Mindful Art Practice.
Supplies needed: Pencil (preferable with an eraser) and paper.
Directive: I invite you to find a natural element within your home. I suggest a house plant, Stone, Crystal, Fruit or Vegetable. Find a comfortable seat, and begin by taking 5 deep grounding breaths.
Inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. The to the best of your ability, observe and sketch the object in front of you. Take notice of how the light hits the object, notice the shadows. Observe without judgment. This is not about the finished product, but rather about immersing yourself in the process of observation. After you complete your sketch journal about the experience. What did you notice about the material? What do you notice about your mood?
2. Colorful Containment:
Supplies Needed: Colored pencils, crayons, or markers, and paper.
Directive: Draw a large circle on the page. Put on Instrumental Music, or a Meditation based playlist. (These can easily be found on Youtube for free) Fill the inside of the circle with a collection of patterns and colors. Your only job is to listen to your impulse. Start by choosing a color you are drawn to and use line and form to fill your circle. Repeatedly listen to your color choice impulses and honor them. When you are finished you will have a colorful Mandala. I invite you to journal in response to your image and consider these questions. What do the colors you chose mean to you? Free associate. What emotion do you feel when you observe your piece. Reflect on things, places, and people that help you feel held and contained.
3. Peaceful Projections:
Supplies Needed: Magazines, Scissors, tape or glue, and paper.
Directive: Cut out images of colors, objects, and scenery that evokes a sense of peace. Then cut out words that catch your eye. Create a collage that emits a visual sigh of relaxation. When your image is completed, sit and meditate by observing your piece of art. Reflect on what this piece offers to you today. Display it somewhere in your home, an altar, or special space for reflection.
In addition to the above three directives, I invite you to create work with pencils when you are seeking grounding. This material is one that gives us a sense of control. In a time where the unknown feels overwhelming, the use of materials to assist in our need for control is powerful. Remember to breathe deeply, take a walk when needed, and lean into mindfulness. Right now, what can you do to activate a feeling of safety? Happy creating dreamers.
Keep an eye out for daily self-care prompts on the site throughout the next few weeks.